Manage Your Deal is an investment platform that connects investors with startups, streamlining the investment process and paperwork.
Product: MYD
Role: UX UI Designer
Team: CEO, CTO, Project Manager, Front and Back end developers and Marketing Manager.
Time: 3 months
Design Challenge: How can we provide a comprehensive set of tools for managing deals to both investors and startups?
MYD is a platform where investors can discover startups and invest in them and startups can showcase their projects in other to find investors. All tools are integrated in the same platform: Marketplace, investment process, communication tools and more.
The process began with a complete analysis of a UX study preliminary done by a research company. This study included user interviews, personas, and an outline of the global scope.
With this study in hand, I examined the investors and startups interviews, analysed the findings, and added my own conclusions and recommendations. Also cross-functional meetings with people from every team, helped me to rapidly get more context and understand user needs and the project needs.
Also did a competitor analysis to understand more about the world of investor-startups and see what has been done by other platforms.
As a team we performed several meetings to decide the MVP and the further iterations of the project. It was decided to give priority to the marketplace and the discovery tools.
Based on these jtbd, it was decided to include in the scope the following features:
After approval of the architecture and wireframes, I developed the style guide and components for the dashboard and other pages. The original colors were required to be maintained, but I added two more to enhance contrast and improve data visualization.
Activity stream
I delivered the each module of the project at the en of each design sprint, including detailed instructions outlining the interaction of each element within the interface. I also added some spacing and measurement guidance. The Figma Inspect tab is also used regularly by the development team. The seamless integration of these tools has proven to be well-received by the team.
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